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图片标签:  发布:2023-02-07  ....    来源:www.tuj8.co


总统先生,如果你准备好了就开始吧Whenever you're ready, Mr President.美国的同胞们My fellow Americans这是我最后一次对你们讲话This will be the last time I address you.如同你们所知道的,降临在美国的灾难As you know, catastrophe has struck our nation.也将摧毁世界Has struck the world.我真希望我能告诉你们I wish I could tell you我们有能力来抵挡这场灾难we could prevent the coming destruction.但是,我们做不到!We cannot.今天我们不再是陌生人Today, none of us are strangers.
我们是一家人Today, we are one family,手牵手一同步入黑暗,虽然我们可能信仰不同stepping into the darkness together.We are a nation of many religions,但我相信这几句话能代表所有信仰的精神but I believe these words reflect the spirit of all our faiths:耶和华是我的牧者,我必...The lord is my Shepard. I shall... 查理的话:那段的电影对白It's free. Of course, we do appreciate donations.In ancient times,The Mayan people were the first civilization to discover thatThis planet had an expiration date.
According to their calender, in the year 2012 a cataclysmic event will unfold,Caused by an alignment of the planets in our solar systemThat only happens every 640.000 years.Oh, not again.Neat, huh? I did all the animation myself.Just imagine the earth as an orangeYou lure them in with humor.Then you make them think.Our sun will begin to emit such extreme amounts of radiationScrew you bastards, they are call nutrino.